
Recent reports in this category are shown below:

  • London Borough of Ealing (23 014 586)

    Report Upheld Homelessness 21-Aug-2024

    Summary: Miss X complained about how the Council dealt with her housing application when she was pregnant and homeless having fled domestic abuse.

  • City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (24 004 778)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Private housing 06-Aug-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about disrepair in a property the complainant rents from a private landlord. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault by the Council.

  • City of Doncaster Council (23 013 264)

    Statement Upheld Homelessness 06-Aug-2024

    Summary: Mr X complained about the Council’s handling of his homelessness application. We found fault because the Council considered his local connection too early in the process. Because of this, the Council failed to act to possibly prevent his homelessness. To remedy his injustice, the Council has agreed to apologise and make a symbolic payment to Mr X. It will also undertake staff training.

  • London Borough of Havering (23 015 172)

    Statement Upheld Homelessness 06-Aug-2024

    Summary: Miss X complained about the Council’s decision not to award her the highest banding on its housing register and not moving her after she was a victim of crime. We found the Council at fault for failing to provide interim and temporary accommodation in line with its homelessness duties to Miss X. The Council has agreed to our recommendations to remedy the injustice caused.

  • London Borough of Barnet (24 002 376)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Allocations 06-Aug-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about the offer of a property in May 2023 because there is insufficient evidence of fault to justify our involvement. We will not investigate his complaint about the priority band awarded on the Council’s housing register because it is reasonable for him to use the review process.

  • London Borough of Hillingdon (24 006 948)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 06-Aug-2024

    Summary: We cannot investigate this complaint about the Council’s handling of maintenance works to one of its properties. This is because we cannot investigate complaints about the management of social housing by a council acting as a social landlord.

  • London Borough of Redbridge (23 019 003)

    Statement Upheld Homelessness 05-Aug-2024

    Summary: Due to service failure, the Council placed the complainant’s family in inappropriate interim accommodation for considerably longer than the law permits. The Council has agreed to offer the complainant a financial remedy to reflect the injustice this represents.

  • London Borough of Lambeth (23 020 221)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Homelessness 05-Aug-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate Ms X’s complaint about the suitability of her temporary accommodation because she had the right to go to court to challenge the Council’s decision. In any case, there is insufficient evidence of fault to justify our involvement.

  • London Borough of Hillingdon (23 016 752)

    Statement Upheld Homelessness 05-Aug-2024

    Summary: Mr X complains about the Council’s handling of his homelessness application and failure to provide interim accommodation. We find the Council at fault which caused Mr X avoidable uncertainty, frustration, distress, and expenses. The Council has agreed to apologise to Mr X, make him a symbolic payment for the injustice caused, refund his avoidable expenses, and provide a staff reminder.

  • Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames (24 002 914)

    Statement Upheld Allocations 05-Aug-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s housing register. The Council has accepted there was fault in its communication with the complainant and offered an appropriate remedy. It would not be proportionate for us to investigate.

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