Service Improvements for Suffolk County Council

There are 111 results

  • Case Ref: 24 001 995 Category: Education Sub Category: School exclusions

    • The Council has agreed to use this case as a case study in a relevant training session for officers to ensure they understand their duty to arrange suitable, full-time equivalent education, tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of each child requiring alternative education arranged by the Council.

  • Case Ref: 24 001 931 Category: Education Sub Category: Special educational needs

    • The Council will review whether it has suitable processes in place to check that all elements of Section F in a new or amended Plan are fully in place, and that additional funding requests are consideredand decided in a timely way.

  • Case Ref: 23 021 216 Category: Education Sub Category: Special educational needs

    • The Council's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Improvement Board will review this decision to inform its further work on improving the Council's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities services.

  • Case Ref: 23 020 681 Category: Education Sub Category: Special educational needs

    • The Council will review its process of responding to the parental requests for extra assessments during their children’s EHC needs assessments. This is to ensure the Council responds in a timely manner and, when making its decision, applies the test set up in paragraph 9.49 of the SEND Code of Practice based on the SEND Regulations 2014 regulation 6(1)(h). The Council will provide us with the evidence it has done this.
    • The Council’s SEND Improvement Board will review this decision to inform its further work on improving the Council’s SEND services. The Council will provide us with the evidence it has happened.

  • Case Ref: 23 020 622 Category: Education Sub Category: Alternative provision

    • The Council will send a reminder to officers in education to remind them of the Council’s section 19 duty and the need to consider putting in place alternative provision when a child has been absent from school for more than 15 days in a school year.

  • Case Ref: 23 019 930 Category: Education Sub Category: Alternative provision

    • The Council will remind officers about the need to keep the number of hours of tuition in place for children receiving only part-time hours under review.

  • Case Ref: 23 019 811 Category: Education Sub Category: Special educational needs

    • Share this decision with relevant staff

  • Case Ref: 23 019 368 Category: Adult care services Sub Category: Charging

    • •Review its adult social care charging systems to ensure invoices can be issued to self-funders who have not had a full financial assessment and that there are regular checks that commissioned care is being evidenced and invoiced.
    • •Check that it is monitoring whether regular care and support reviews are being carried out of self-funders.

  • Case Ref: 23 019 255 Category: Education Sub Category: School transport

    • The Council has agreed to review its transport procedures to ensure (as far as is practical) arrangements are in place for transport by the start of the school year, including cases involving children with an EHC Plan and that the Council is clear in its decisions regarding exceptional circumstances and accompaniment.

  • Case Ref: 23 019 006 Category: Education Sub Category: Special educational needs

    • The Council will review its procedure for considering and recording section 19 decisions to ensure it is correctly and accurately recording all section 19 decisions.
    • The Council will circulate guidance to its Special Educational Needs and inclusion officers about the Council's duty under section 19 of the Education Act 1996 to consider alternative provision from the point it becomes aware a child is out of school and record its decision making on this.

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