There are 34 results
Case Ref: 19 019 589 Category: Adult care services Sub Category: Transition from childrens services
- The Council has agreed that it will share the lessons learned of this case, in relation to the importance of ensuring a smooth and timely transition process, with all the staff within its adult social care department who are involved with Transition.
Case Ref: 19 019 511 Category: Adult care services Sub Category: Direct payments
- The Council has agreed to review the information it provides to clients about what a Direct Payment should not be used for.
- The Council has agreed to share the lessons learned with staff within its adult social care department.
Case Ref: 19 016 431 Category: Children's care services Sub Category: Child protection
- Review the Council's stage 2 adjudication letter template and ensure it contains information about the 20 working days time limit to submit a stage 3 request.
Case Ref: 19 012 757 Category: Adult care services Sub Category: Charging
- The Council has agreed to share the lessons learned - about making reasonable adjustments, discussing disability related expenses (DREs) and explaining its decisions about DREs in writing - with the Council's team responsible for carrying out financial assessments.
- The Council will remind social care staff of the importance of discussing any special communication needs with clients at the earliest opportunity and make a clear record in its electronic system about any such needs.
- The Council has agreed to review whether all of its adult social care clients have special communication needs recorded on its system, where needed.
Case Ref: 19 007 394 Category: Adult care services Sub Category: Safeguarding
- That the Council reviews its procedures to ensure that safeguarding referrals are checked to ensure they are in the correct Council area and if not, passed on without delay.