There are 34 results
Case Ref: 21 013 797 Category: Planning Sub Category: Enforcement
- The Council should amend its policy to include updating complainants on key actions and decsions reached during an enforcement investigation
Case Ref: 21 013 585 Category: Transport and highways Sub Category: Parking and other penalties
- The Council has agreed to contact anyone who complained about not receiving a parking permit due to the system fault in October 2021 and offer a refund for any extra parking costs incurred, if there is evidence of such costs.
- The Council has agreed to provide parking complaint handling staff with guidance on the Ombudsman's expectations that Councils will offer the right of a review or appeal on decisions.
Case Ref: 21 011 789 Category: Adult care services Sub Category: Transition from childrens services
- The Council will remind relevant officers that complaints about the actions of the Council's children's services fall under the children's statutory complaints procedure, regardless of the young person's age when the complaint is raised.
- The Council will review its procedures for transition planning with young people approaching 18, in particular how it ensures plans for post-18 accommodation are in place well before the young person's 18th birthday.
Case Ref: 21 003 895 Category: Housing Sub Category: Private housing
- • Provide guidance to relevant staff to ensure they understand an RRO can only be applied for within 12 months of a relevant offence being committed.
- • Remind its staff of the requirement to issue occupiers with a copy of a HAN. Additionally, the communication should cover the requirement to provide notice of an inspection at a property and to inform complainants who raise questions about fire safety that it has arrangements in place with the local fire authority, and not to just direct complainants to the fire service in these circumstances.
Case Ref: 21 003 630 Category: Environment and regulation Sub Category: Refuse and recycling
- The Council should contact other residents who use the Council’s assisted bin collection service and have complained about missed collections since 1 April 2021. In cases where complaints have continued, the Council should: a) review whether monitoring has failed in their cases as well, and; b) consider what steps it should take to acknowledge any distress caused. c) Those residents should be told they can take their case to the Ombudsman if they are unhappy with the Council’s approach.
Case Ref: 20 009 245 Category: Housing Sub Category: COVID-19
- The Council will remind relevant staff to provide clear information in housing register decision letters about how to request a review of the decision.
- The Council will remind relevant staff to consider whether a complaint should actually be treated as a request for a review of a housing decision so the Council can respond appropriately.
Case Ref: 20 008 854 Category: Transport and highways Sub Category: Highway adoption
- The Council agrees to: •Complete a review of its road adoption system. The review should consider how it is kept up to date and accurate. •After completing the review report the findings to Councillors and seek approval for changes and recommendations. •Once the Councillors have made their decision write to Mr B and explain what action it will take and what the timeframe will be for completion. •Provide the Ombudsman with a copy of the review report, agreed actions and timeframe for completion.
Case Ref: 20 004 974 Category: Planning Sub Category: Enforcement
- The Council will ensure it documents its decision-making process when deciding to close a case (for example a contemporaneous note if the decision arises from a group discussion).
Case Ref: 19 010 970 Category: Housing Sub Category: Allocations
- The Council agreed to carry out a review of its policies and procedures to improve: its systems and procedures to identify potential problems of perpetrators moving close to their victims; its consideration of discretion to prevent moves involving perpetrators who might end up living near their victims; its ability to be more proactive when known perpetrators do end up living close to victims; its record keeping; its investigation of reports of harassment; its consideration of discretion when rehousing applicants next door to tenants with violence and behavioural issues; its consideration of human rights.
Case Ref: 20 000 942 Category: Transport and highways Sub Category: Parking and other penalties
- The Council has agreed to: • provide the Ombudsman with its revised policy confirming it reconciles payments received by its finance department with its Parking Services department; and
- remind staff to adhere to its complaints policy timescales.