Recent reports in this category are shown below:
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council (24 000 621)
Report Upheld Special educational needs 19-Feb-2025
Summary: Mrs A complained the Council failed to complete reviews of her children’s Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans within the statutory timescales. Mrs A says this has resulted in her children not receiving up-to-date provision to meet their educational and social care needs. Mrs A also complained the Council failed to complete EHC Plan reviews in the statutory timescales for over a thousand other children.
London Borough of Barking & Dagenham (23 021 261)
Statement Upheld Special educational needs 11-Feb-2025
Summary: Ms X complained her son, S, has been out of school since December 2023. She says the Council has not communicated with her or kept her updated. The Council is at fault for delay finalising the amended Education Health and Care Plan for S, securing him a place in a new school and keeping Ms X updated. The Council has agreed to a remedy payment for distress and missed education.
London Borough of Barnet (24 002 893)
Statement Upheld Special educational needs 11-Feb-2025
Summary: the Council failed to put in place the speech and language therapy sessions in Ms X’s son’s education, health and care plan. An apology, payment to Ms X, arrangements to put in place the provision and reminder to officers is satisfactory remedy.
Bristol City Council (24 003 802)
Statement Upheld Special educational needs 11-Feb-2025
Summary: The Council took too long to issue an Education Health and Care (EHC) Plan for Ms B’s child. It did not communicate with her properly during this time, nor respond adequately to her complaints. The Council did not do enough to satisfy itself that the provision was being made when Ms B raised concerns. This caused Ms B distress and frustration and it is likely that her child missed out on provision she was entitled to. The Council has agreed to apologise to Ms B and pay her symbolics payment in respect of the distress its failings caused her, and in respect of her child’s missed educational provision; and remind staff to deal with concerns that provision is not being made.
Statement Upheld Special educational needs 11-Feb-2025
Summary: Miss X complained about how the Council provided for her child, Y’s, special educational needs. There was fault in how the Council took too long to amend Y’s EHC plan following a review and how it failed to consider whether it needed to arrange alternative education for him. This caused Y to miss out on some education and caused distress and uncertainty to both Miss X and Y. The Council agreed to apologise, issue an amended EHC plan for Y and pay Miss X a financial remedy.
Surrey County Council (24 005 968)
Statement Upheld Special educational needs 11-Feb-2025
Summary: Ms X complained the Council failed to secure educational provision for her child Y and failed to complete an annual review on time. We upheld the complaint. Y has a loss of educational provision and Ms X had delayed appeal rights and avoidable distress. The Council recognised this and offered a partial remedy for two terms of missed provision. The Council will make a further payment for missed provision for the Autumn Term of 2024.
Suffolk County Council (24 006 959)
Statement Upheld Special educational needs 11-Feb-2025
Summary: Miss X complained the Council delayed completing her child, Y’s Education, Health and Care needs assessment, and decided not to seek Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy advice. There are parts of Miss X’s complaint that we have not investigated because she has the right of appeal to the Tribunal. We find the Council at fault for the delay. This impacted Y’s education and caused Miss X avoidable distress and uncertainty. The Council has agreed to apologise and make a payment to Miss X.
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (24 009 853)
Statement Not upheld Other 11-Feb-2025
Summary: We have discontinued the investigation into Mr X’s complaint about unnecessary enforcement action. Enforcement action was a result of the Council pursuing a school attendance issue in court. We could not add anything to the investigation already carried out by the Council, nor could we achieve the outcome Mr X wants.
Surrey County Council (24 010 825)
Statement Upheld Special educational needs 11-Feb-2025
Summary: The Council was at fault because it failed to secure educational and social care provision on Mr Y’s Education, Health and Care Plan. This caused a loss of provision. The Council agreed an appropriate financial remedy during its internal complaints procedure. The Council will apologise and complete the annual review.
Surrey County Council (24 015 163)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries School transport 11-Feb-2025
Summary: We will not investigate Miss X’s complaint about the Council’s decision not to provide a chaperone for her child’s taxi journey to school. There is not enough evidence of fault by the Council to warrant our further involvement .