Advice on comparing statistics across years

In 2022-23 we changed our investigation processes, contributing towards an increase in the average uphold rate across all complaints. Consider comparing individual council uphold rates against the average rate rather than against previous years.

In 2020-21 we received and decided fewer complaints than normal because we stopped accepting new complaints for three months due to Covid-19.

Middlesbrough Borough Council

Annual statistics ?Find out more about annual statistics

  • Complaints upheld

    60% of complaints we investigated were upheld.

    This compares to an average of 79% in similar authorities.

    3 upheld decisions

    Adjusted for Middlesbrough Borough Council's population, this is
    2 upheld decisions per 100,000 residents

    The average for authorities of this type is
    4.6 upheld decisions per 100,000 residents.

    View upheld decisions

    Statistics are based on a total of 5 investigations for the period between 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

  • Compliance with Ombudsman recommendations

    100% of cases we were satisfied the Council had successfully implemented our recommendations.

    This compares to an average of 100% in similar authorities.

    Statistics are based on a total of 3 compliance outcomes for the period between 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

  • Satisfactory remedies provided by the Council

    In 0% of upheld cases we found the Council had provided a satisfactory remedy before the complaint reached the Ombudsman.

    This compares to an average of 13% in similar authorities.

    0 satisfactory remedy decisions

    Statistics are based on a total of 3 upheld decisions for the period between 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

    View all satisfactory remedy decisions

Annual letters

We write to councils each year to give a summary of the complaint statistics we record about them,
and their performance in responding to our investigations.

View annual letters

Reports ?Find out more about reports

In the last nine years, the Ombudsman has published the following reports against Middlesbrough Borough Council

No reports published

Service improvements ?Find out more about service improvements

Since April 2018, the Council has agreed to make the following improvements to its services following an Ombudsman investigation. We list up to 10 cases below – click ‘view all’ if there are more.

Case reference: 23 020 396

Category: Children's care services

Sub Category: Fostering

  • The Council will remind fostering staff of the importance of liaising with the Local Authority Designated Officer when there are concerns about standards of care relating to foster carers.

Case reference: 23 018 361

Category: Children's care services

Sub Category: Child protection

  • The Council agreed to review its ‘Tees Safeguarding Children Partnership procedures’ to ensure it clearly defines roles and responsibilities towards the person who works with or cares for children who is subject to an investigation about an allegation made against them. It should outline who is responsible for engaging the person during the process and for providing updates, copies of documents, outcomes and for monitoring compliance with any recommendations and sanctions.

Case reference: 23 012 894

Category: Education

Sub Category: Special educational needs

  • The Council will remind all staff in the special educational needs team about its complaints procedure, specifically highlighting what constitutes a complaint and what to do when staff receive a complaint.

Case reference: 22 009 914

Category: Other Categories

Sub Category: Other

  • The Counci lhas agreed to remind all staff who communicate with Mrs B in the children’s services, SEN and complaints teams of her reasonable adjustments, make a note on all her relevant files of the adjustments and ensure they are met as far as possible when communicating with her by email and sending hard copy documents by post.

Case reference: 21 019 061

Category: Children's care services

Sub Category: Other

  • The Council will provide its staff dealing with the Children's Services complaints with the training on the criteria for applying children's statutory complaint procedure.

Case reference: 21 010 516

Category: Environment and regulation

Sub Category: Other

  • Within four weeks of my final decision, the Council has also agreed to make the following service improvements: • send a reminder to relevant staff about the importance of responding fully to a complaint; • send a reminder to relevant staff about the Council’s powers, under the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949, to require landowners or occupiers to keep their land free from mice and rats; and, • share this decision with relevant members of staff.

Case reference: 21 005 776

Category: Housing

Sub Category: Allocations

  • The Council has agreed to ensure partnership agreements and contracts with third parties contain details about how relevant data will be stored or returned to the Council when they end.
  • The Council has agreed to review existing agreements with other partners to the housing allocations scheme and consider amending them if needed to ensure accurate records are preserved in line with the Council’s records retention policy.

Case reference: 21 002 324

Category: Children's care services

Sub Category: Other

  • The Council agreed to remind relevant staff of the requirements of the Children Act and Children’s Statutory Complaints Procedures when considering if someone is a suitable representative.

Case reference: 20 010 600

Category: Benefits and tax

Sub Category: Council tax

  • The Council has agreed to update its online Council Tax application form process to ensure that applications for unlisted properties, or properties not currently on the valuation list, are raised with the relevant department to ensure the Council registers these properties with the Valuation Office and sets up Council Tax accounts for these properties.

Case reference: 20 010 518

Category: Environment and regulation

Sub Category: Refuse and recycling

  • review how it shares information internally, so its Environment Contract Centre staff are aware of potential waiting times or delays in supply of bins.


Service improvements agreed by Middlesbrough Borough Council

View all

Last updated: 4 April 2015

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