Recent statements in this category are shown below:
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 17-Jan-2025
Summary: We will not investigate Mrs Y’s complaint about the care provided to her father, Mr X, when he was resident in a care home. This is because we consider it unlikely that our investigation would be able to add to the work that has already been undertaken by the care home and Council in response to Mrs Y’s complaint.
NHS Somerset Integrated Care Board (24 008 809b)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 28-Nov-2024
Summary: Ms A complains about the care and treatment her aunt, Mrs B, received at Lavender Court, run by Somerset Care. We will not investigate this complaint because Somerset Care has already admitted it made mistakes and acted to ensure they do not happen again. We have seen evidence of these actions and further investigation is unlikely to achieve anything more.
Oak Lodge Nursing Home (23 017 812a)
Statement Upheld Other 20-Nov-2024
Summary: We found fault with the end of life care provided to Mrs Y by the Nursing Home. The Nursing Home pay Mrs Y’s daughter, Ms X, a symbolic financial remedy in recognition of the distress this caused.
NHS West Yorkshire ICB - Bradford District and Craven (23 019 207a)
Statement Not upheld Other 13-Nov-2024
Summary: Mr X complained the Council and ICB failed to work together to provide him with a budget for support. We found no fault by the ICB or Council in how they worked together to provide Mr X with a budget for support. We found fault by the Council in its reference to older legislation in its Direct Payments contracts, which caused frustration to Mr X. The Council has taken action to update the contracts, and has agreed to send Mr X an updated version.
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust (24 005 318a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 13-Oct-2024
Summary: We will not investigate a complaint about a how a Council made a Best Interest decision because there is not enough evidence of fault in the process if followed.
NHS Lincolnshire ICB (24 002 781b)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 26-Aug-2024
Summary: Mr X complains about the way the Nursing Home cared for his mother, Mrs Y, and her belongings. We will not investigate this complaint because the organisation has already admitted fault in several areas of Mrs Y’s care. It has apologised, made service improvements, and trained its staff to ensure the faults do not happen again. It has also accepted it has lost one of her rings. Further investigation by the Ombudsmen would not achieve anything more.
Whittington Health NHS Trust (24 004 353a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 26-Aug-2024
Summary: Miss X complains about poor communication and information handling by London Borough of Islington (the Council) and Whittington Health NHS Trust (the Trust). We will not investigate her complaints. An investigation is unlikely to find fault in the Council’s communication with her before it started an assessment. The injustice to Miss X from any poor information handling is not enough to justify an investigation by the Ombudsmen and the Information Commissioner may be better placed to consider these issues.
South Tyneside Health Collaboration (23 007 816a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 23-Jun-2024
Summary: Mrs D complains about the way the Council and the Health Collaboration dealt with her when she complained about care provided to her late mother. We will not investigate this complaint because both organisations have already admitted fault in how they dealt with Mrs D and apologised. The Health Collaboration has also made changes to ensure these faults do not happen again. Further investigation by the Ombudsmen would not achieve anything more.
Maria Mallaband Care Group Ltd (23 014 133a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 20-May-2024
Summary: Mrs X complained about the treatment and care provided to her late grandmother, Mrs Y while she was living in a nursing home. We will not investigate Mrs X’s complaint because it is unlikely we could add to the responses she has already received from the organisations she complains about.
The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (23 017 939a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 19-May-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about child protection and safeguarding procedures. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault in how the Council considered the complaint under the children’s statutory complaints procedure. The Trust has already taken action to remedy the complaint about its actions and investigation by us is unlikely to lead to a different outcome.