Recent statements in this category are shown below:
Whitemoor Medical Centre (24 009 211a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries General practice 07-Nov-2024
Summary: Mrs A complains about the way the Care Home and GP Practice cared for her mother, Mrs B. We will not investigate this complaint because we are unlikely to achieve anything more. This is because the coroner has already looked at the issues, and there has already been an independent investigation.
Quorn Medical Centre (24 003 158b)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries General practice 14-Aug-2024
Summary: We will not investigate Miss B’s complaint. She has not provided good reasons for approaching us late. Also, Miss B has already appealed the decision to detain her under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act to the First Tier Tribunal (Mental Health).
Statement Not upheld General practice 16-Jul-2024
Summary: Ms D complained about the care and treatment of her late father, Mr F, by Trinity Surgery and a care home commissioned by Norfolk County Council. We have not found fault by Trinity Surgery. There were some faults by the care home and Council relating to document management, care planning, communicating with Ms D and Trinity Surgery, and complaint responses. We have not upheld the other complaints about the care home and Council. We have recommended the Council apologises to Ms D. The Council accepts our recommendation, so we have completed our investigation.
Statement Not upheld General practice 16-Jul-2024
Summary: Ms D complained about the care and treatment of her late father, Mr F, by Trinity Surgery and a care home commissioned by Norfolk County Council. We have not found fault by Trinity Surgery. There were some faults by the care home and Council relating to document management, care planning, communicating with Ms D and Trinity Surgery, and complaint responses. We have not upheld the other complaints about the care home and Council. We have recommended the Council apologises to Ms D. The Council accepts our recommendation, so we have completed our investigation.
Derby Road Practice (22 012 741c)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries General practice 11-Jul-2024
Summary: We will not investigate Miss X’s complaint about the care and treatment provided by the Council, the Trust and the Practice. This is because further investigation by the Ombudsmen is unlikely to add to the organisations’ own investigations. Further, we cannot achieve many of the outcomes Miss X is seeking. It would be reasonable for her to use an alternative legal remedy to seek financial redress for data breaches.
Derby Road Practice (22 012 741d)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries General practice 11-Jul-2024
Summary: We will not investigate Miss X’s complaint about the care and treatment provided by the Council, the Trust and the Practice. This is because further investigation by the Ombudsmen is unlikely to add to the organisations’ own investigations. Further, we cannot achieve many of the outcomes Miss X is seeking. It would be reasonable for her to use an alternative legal remedy to seek financial redress for data breaches.
Little Harwood Health Centre (23 007 966b)
Statement Not upheld General practice 14-May-2024
Summary: Mr X complained about the treatment and care provided to his late mother, Mrs Y, by the Trust, Council and Practice, after Mrs Y was diagnosed with pneumonia. We found no fault by the Trust in its decision to discharge Mrs Y, although we found fault in its lack of communication with Mr X about this. The Trust provided an appropriate apology to Mr X and has taken reasonable steps to prevent recurrence. We found fault by the Council, in that the care home did not follow up a call to the Practice. We found the care home appropriately apologised and took reasonable steps to improve services. Regarding the complaint about the Practice, we found the Practice took appropriate action to prevent recurrence of the fault it had already identified, in not making a follow up call for a telephone consultation, and has apologised to Mr X.
Barrington Medical Centre (23 009 044c)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries General practice 29-Nov-2023
Summary: We will not investigate Miss X’s complaint about a Council’s handling of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. This is because there is no evidence of significant injustice to Miss X or her late mother to warrant an Ombudsman investigation.
Skegby Family Medical Centre (23 001 921a)
Statement Upheld General practice 15-Nov-2023
Summary: We found fault with the care provided to Mrs C by a GP Practice and a care home acting on behalf of the Council. This leaves her daughter, Ms B, with significant uncertainty as to whether the outcome of Mrs C’s care might have been different with appropriate care. The Practice and Council will apologise to Ms B and pay her a financial sum in recognition of the impact of this fault on her. They will also explain what action they will take to prevent similar omissions occurring in future.
The Rockwell & Wrose Medical Practice (22 017 101a)
Statement Not upheld General practice 07-Nov-2023
Summary: A Council accepted several failings in the care one of its Care Home’s provided to an elderly resident. We found that the Council did not acknowledge the impact these failings had on the resident and her family. We did not find any fault in the care provided by a GP practice or an out of hours GP service. We recommend the Council takes steps to ensure improvements have been made to prevent recurrences.