Recent statements in this category are shown below:
NHS South Yorkshire ICB (24 007 778a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 19-Dec-2024
Summary: We will not investigate Ms X’s complaint about the arranging and managing of her care package which is funded by Sheffield City Council and NHS South Yorkshire ICB. This is because further investigation by the Ombudsmen is unlikely to add to the Council’s own investigation. While Ms X has ongoing concerns about the Council’s safeguarding process, it is too soon for us to look at this.
Creative Support Ltd (24 006 451a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 18-Dec-2024
Summary: Mr X complained a social worker told lies about him and a relative. We will not investigate the complaint because an investigation is unlikely to find fault with the Council or achieve what Mr X wants.
Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 29-Jul-2024
Summary: Ms Y complained that professionals failed to understand her mother’s personality and wrongly determined she lacked capacity. Ms Y said this led to a decision to transfer her mother to a nursing home which caused her distress. In addition, she said it led to a hospital and a nursing home placing unnecessary restrictions on her mother. We have not found fault in the way professionals considered Mrs X’s capacity. However, we have found fault in the way a Council considered Mrs X’s best interests before placing her in a nursing home. This caused avoidable distress and we have recommended an apology and a small financial payment.
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (23 020 881a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 28-Jul-2024
Summary: We will not investigate a complaint about how a Trust and a Council dealt with a complaint about the care provided to the complainant’s brother. This is because he did not provide consent to share his information and this was appropriately considered by the organisations during the local complaints process.
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 09-Jul-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s decision to place Mrs X in a care home or about the care she received there. There is not enough evidence of fault with the care for us to investigate and we are unlikely to achieve more by investigating the complaints about the placement in the care home.
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust (FT) (23 008 797b)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 27-Jun-2024
Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about his late brother’s care and treatment during April to August 2021. This is because a significant amount of time has passed since the events Mr X is complaining about occurred and it would have been reasonable for Mr X to complain to us sooner. We are also unlikely to be able to make the findings sought by Mr X about his brother’s cause of death.
Lakeview Health Care Ltd (23 009 054a)
Statement Upheld Community hospital services 17-Jun-2024
Summary: We found fault with the falls care provided to Mr X when he was resident in a care home. We also found fault with the safeguarding enquiries carried out by the local safeguarding authority. The organisations involved will apologise to Mr X’s daughter, Ms Y, and explain what action they will take to prevent similar problems occurring for other service users. They will also pay Ms Y a financial remedy in recognition of the distress these events caused her.
NHS Greater Manchester ICB (23 002 530a)
Statement Upheld Community hospital services 21-Apr-2024
Summary: We investigated a complaint about the care provided to Mrs A’s late brother, Mr B. We found fault with the Integrated Care Board who did not respond to Mrs A’s complaints in a timely manner, made a derogatory comment about her and interpreted her words rather than seeking clarification. We recommended and the ICB agreed to apologise to Mrs A to remedy the injustice. We found no fault with the actions of the Council, Park Hills Care Home and the Trust.
Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust (23 002 530b)
Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 21-Apr-2024
Summary: We investigated a complaint about the care provided to Mrs A’s late brother, Mr B. We found fault with the Integrated Care Board who did not respond to Mrs A’s complaints in a timely manner, made a derogatory comment about her and interpreted her words rather than seeking clarification. We recommended and the ICB agreed to apologise to Mrs A to remedy the injustice. We found no fault with the actions of the Council, Park Hills Care Home and the Trust.
Park Hills Home Care Ltd (23 002 530c)
Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 21-Apr-2024
Summary: We investigated a complaint about the care provided to Mrs A’s late brother, Mr B. We found fault with the Integrated Care Board who did not respond to Mrs A’s complaints in a timely manner, made a derogatory comment about her and interpreted her words rather than seeking clarification. We recommended and the ICB agreed to apologise to Mrs A to remedy the injustice. We found no fault with the actions of the Council, Park Hills Care Home and the Trust.