Recent statements in this category are shown below:
London Borough of Hounslow (24 007 833)
Statement Not upheld Disabled children 13-Jan-2025
Summary: Miss X complained about how the Council refused her application for a Blue Badge for her son. We ended our investigation into the complaint. Further investigation by the Ombudsman would not likely achieve a worthwhile outcome.
London Borough of Hounslow (24 012 086)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Disabled children 13-Jan-2025
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s decision not to issue a Blue Badge for the complainant’s son. This is because there is not enough evidence of fault by the Council.
Devon County Council (24 015 191)
Statement Upheld Disabled children 17-Dec-2024
Summary: Mr X complained about the Council’s handling of his complaint about his son, Y’s, care. He complained the Council has not considered the complaint after a long delay. Mr X said Y has not received the enabling support specified in his Education, Health and Care Plan. There was fault in the way the Council did not complete the statutory children’s complaint procedure and delayed communicating this. The Council has not considered the complaint and Mr X was put to time and trouble to complain. The Council has agreed to apologise, make a financial payment and progress the children’s statutory complaint process.
Reading Borough Council (24 002 853)
Statement Not upheld Disabled children 17-Dec-2024
Summary: Miss X complained the Council failed to provide support for her disabled child. Miss X said this impacted her mental and physical health. She said she was promised support and did not get it. We have discontinued our investigation into this complaint. This is because the Council will address this complaint through the statutory complaints procedure.
London Borough of Harrow (24 008 754)
Statement Upheld Disabled children 17-Dec-2024
Summary: Mr X complained the Council has not taken action to ensure that he and his wife have the respite care for their child that the family is entitled to. The Council was at fault because of its failure to commence a stage two statutory investigation under the Children Act 1989. This caused Mr X distress, worry, uncertainty, and frustration. The Council should take action to remedy the injustice caused to Mr X by the fault and to avoid it happening again in future.
London Borough of Harrow (24 012 043)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Disabled children 13-Dec-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s decision to refuse the complainants’ application and appeal for a Blue Badge for their son. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault on the Council’s part.
Statement Upheld Disabled children 06-Dec-2024
Summary: Mrs X complained of the Council’s handling of her Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) application after it delayed commissioning a contractor to carry out adaptations to her house for her disabled son (Y). The Council is at fault because it took 16 months after receiving Mrs X’s DFG application to contact contractors and progress the adaptations. The Council agreed to make a payment to recognise the distress, frustration and uncertainty this has caused. However, the subsequent delay in completing the adaptations was outside the control of the Council.
Statement Upheld Disabled children 19-Nov-2024
Summary: We have completed our investigation. There was no fault in how the Council carried out an assessment about Mr X’s child and his family. However, the Council failed to respond to Mr X’s complaint using the statutory children’s complaints procedure. This was fault by the Council. The Council should apologise to Mr X and make a symbolic payment to him.
Kent County Council (23 016 999)
Statement Upheld Disabled children 18-Nov-2024
Summary: Mrs X complained the Council failed to ensure her son, Y received a suitable education and the specialist provision in his Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan between 2020 and 2024. The Council was at fault. It failed to ensure Y received the provision in line with his EHC Plan between March 2021 and May 2022. It also failed to fully complete an EHC needs reassessment and then failed to follow a tribunal order to put tuition in place between October 2023 and January 2024. It also significantly delayed responding to Mrs X’s complaint by 20 months. The period prior to March 2021 is late and the period between May 2022 and October 2023 is outside of our jurisdiction because Mrs X had appealed to the SEND tribunal. The Council agreed to make payments to acknowledge the injustice caused to Mrs X and Y.
London Borough of Bexley (24 004 916)
Statement Not upheld Disabled children 14-Nov-2024
Summary: We have discontinued our investigation into Miss X’s complaint about how the Council refused services to her disabled son. An independent investigation has already found no fault in what the Council did. It is unlikely that further investigation of the same issue would lead to a different outcome for Miss X.