Environment and regulation archive 2019-2020

Archive has 617 results

  • Leeds City Council (19 018 054)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Antisocial behaviour 07-Mar-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about a Fixed Penalty Notice he received for allegedly throwing a cigarette out of a car window. This is because the courts are better placed to consider the evidence and decide if the offence occurred.

  • Leeds City Council (19 006 104)

    Statement Upheld Refuse and recycling 06-Mar-2020

    Summary: The Council failed to collect garden waste on several occasions in 2018 and 2019. This caused injustice not only from the missed collections, but the time and trouble Miss X went to in reporting the missed collections and making a formal complaint. The Council has apologised to Miss X and is already making service improvements. It will also pay Miss X £150 for the missed collections and her time and trouble.

  • Birmingham City Council (19 009 871)

    Statement Upheld Refuse and recycling 06-Mar-2020

    Summary: Mr X complains the Council repeatedly failed to collect his household waste and recycling on the scheduled days or in a timely manner when collections were missed, for a period of seven months. The Council’s failure to make scheduled household waste and recycling collections from Mr X’s property amounts to fault. This fault has caused Mr X an injustice.

  • Birmingham City Council (19 010 052)

    Statement Upheld Refuse and recycling 06-Mar-2020

    Summary: Mrs X complains the Council has repeatedly failed to collect her household waste on the scheduled day or within a reasonable timeframe when it misses collections. The Council’s repeated failure to collect Mrs X’s household waste in full amounts to fault. This fault has caused Mrs X an injustice.

  • North Somerset Council (19 017 458)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Drainage 06-Mar-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about flooding to his property caused by water draining from land owned by the Council. The Council has offered to put in place measures to mitigate the likelihood and impact of flooding and if Mr X believes it must do more it would be reasonable for him to go to court.

  • London Borough of Barnet (19 018 125)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 06-Mar-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about a Fixed Penalty Notice he received for disposing of a cigarette butt. This is because the courts are better placed to consider the evidence and decide if the offence occurred.

  • Leicester City Council (19 016 115)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 05-Mar-2020

    Summary: Mr B complains the Council has failed to take appropriate action to deal with rubbish dumped on privately owned land. The Ombudsman will not investigate the complaint because it is unlikely we can add to the investigation already carried out by the Council and an investigation is unlikely to lead to a different outcome.

  • Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council (19 016 775)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Refuse and recycling 05-Mar-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate this complaint about a Fixed Penalty Notice for a waste offence. This is because the complainant could have raised the issue with the Council and defended the case in court.

  • London Borough of Ealing (19 008 594)

    Statement Upheld Other 04-Mar-2020

    Summary: Ms X complained the Council incorrectly issued her with a Fixed Penalty Notice for fly tipping. She said she was put to unnecessary time and trouble disputing it which affected her mental health and studies. The Council was at fault when it failed to respond to Ms X’s dispute. It has taken appropriate action to remedy the injustice she experienced.

  • London Borough of Croydon (19 011 126)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Refuse and recycling 04-Mar-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman has decided not to investigate Mr B’s complaint about the waste collection service in his area. This is because it has not caused Mr B a significant enough injustice to warrant an investigation by the Ombudsman. It is also likely that the matters he is complaining about affect all or most of the people in the Council’s area, which would mean the Ombudsman has no jurisdiction to investigate.

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