Daventry District Council
Annual statistics ?Find out more about annual statistics
Complaints upheld
67% Complaints upheld by Daventry District Council
67% of complaints we investigated were upheld.
This compares to an average of 51% in similar authorities.
2 upheld decisions
View upheld decisionsStatistics are based on a total of 3 investigations for the period between 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022
Compliance with Ombudsman recommendations
No recommendations were due for compliance in this period
Satisfactory remedies provided by the Council
0% Complaints with satisfactory remedy provided by Daventry District Council
In 0% of upheld cases we found the Council had provided a satisfactory remedy before the complaint reached the Ombudsman.
This compares to an average of 20% in similar authorities.
0 satisfactory remedy decisions
Statistics are based on a total of 2 upheld decisions for the period between 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022
View all satisfactory remedy decisions
Annual letters
We write to councils each year to give a summary of the complaint statistics we record about them,
and their performance in responding to our investigations.
Reports ?Find out more about reports
In the last nine years, the Ombudsman has published the following reports against Daventry District Council
Daventry District Council fails to tackle industrial noise complaint properly
Some homeowners on a new housing development in the Daventry area have been plagued by excessive noise from a nearby industrial estate because the district council has not done enough to investigate their concerns, the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman reports.
Service improvements ?Find out more about service improvements
Since April 2018, the Council has agreed to make the following improvements to its services following an Ombudsman investigation. We list up to 10 cases below – click ‘view all’ if there are more.
Case reference: 20 004 766
Category: Environment and regulation
Sub Category: Antisocial behaviour
- The Council will issue guidance to relevant staff who may receive requests for a Community Trigger review to ensure such requests are dealt with in line with the Council’s published policy.
Case reference: 20 011 799
Category: Environment and regulation
Sub Category: Licensing
- The Council has agreed to make relevant staff aware of the Council’s legal obligation to offer electronic license applications and ask staff to take this into account when responding to any similar complaints in future.
- The Council will ensure its website provides correct information on the availability of electronic license applications.
- The Council will provide the Ombudsman with an update on its actions to enable electronic license applications, which it is required to offer by law.
Case reference: 19 017 815
Category: Adult care services
Sub Category: Disabled facilities grants
- Reflect on the issues identified in this decision statement and identify any areas of service improvement. The Council should prepare a short report setting out what the Council intend to do to ensure delay is avoided in other cases. This report has been shared with the Ombudsman in response to my draft decision and sets out several positive service area reviews and improvements.
Last updated: 4 April 2015