Equality, diversity and inclusion
Be your whole self at work
Having a diverse mix of voices leads to better outcomes, for our staff and people who use our service.
We want you to feel comfortable about being your authentic self at work. So we are wholeheartedly committed to being an inclusive and safe space, where everyone treats each other with dignity and respect, and we celebrate our unique differences.
Working here, everyone has equal access to opportunities.

Our staff networks
Our staff network groups provide a supportive space to discuss issues and experiences, share advice and give peer support. We are proud to support these groups and encourage our staff to create, join and participate in them.
We currently have the following staff network groups:
- Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic Group network
- Disability, Long Term Conditions and Carers support network
- LGBTQ+ network
- Menopause network
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is a major part of our corporate objectives, with our Executive Team and Board signing up to our EDI commitment.
Our EDI working group is sponsored by one of our senior leaders and has members from across the organisation. It provides constructive challenge and generates ideas for the organisation, on equality and diversity matters. The group co-ordinates a programme of activities and drives forward these practical actions to make sure they happen.

Wellbeing in the workplace
We raise awareness of issues, events, activities, and religious festivities throughout the year, through our Wellbeing Champions Network, ED&I Working Group and our staff networks. These include articles for our staff intranet and organising events for people to come together, support charities and celebrate different occasions.
Our wellbeing programme offers resources on areas such as mental health, physical health, financial security and more.