Joint Working Manual
Part 21
Appendix Four - PHSO amended scheme of delegation
Annex A - PHSO Scheme of Delegation - Joint Working Cases
This document supplements the main PHSO Scheme of Delegation and explains how the Ombudsman delegates their powers in respect of decision-making on joint working cases. It should be read in conjunction with the main Scheme document, which explains the background to the Scheme, information about its administration and how general and specific powers are delegated.
The main Scheme takes precedence over this supplement and reference should be made to it if there is uncertainty about the approval of specific actions or decisions.
Joint working covers investigations carried out jointly with the Parliamentary Ombudsman, the Health Services Ombudsman, the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) or the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.
The Ombudsman gives a general delegated authority to the staff listed in this supplement to publish anonymised case information about joint working cases.
These delegations apply to all staff in joint working teams dealing with joint working cases, regardless of which Ombudsman's office they are actually employed by.
All cases
General powers to obtain information to carry out casework
Power | Who |
Power to obtain information for the purposes of:
Power to obtain information for the purposes of:
Step 1: Actions and decisions made at Intake (Assessment)
Power | Who |
Power to decline a case for investigation on the ground(s) that:
Ombudsman’s jurisdiction;
Step 2: Actions and decisions made at Assessment (Primary Investigation)
Power | Who |
Power to decline a case for investigation on the ground(s) that:
Power to decline a case for investigation on the ground(s) that:
Power to investigate a complaint in principle |
6 Not properly made: For Parliamentary complaints, this refers to when a complaint has not been made in writing and/or referred to the Ombudsman by a Member of Parliament. For Health complaints, this refers to when a complaint has not been made in writing.
7 Ready for us: a complaint has completed the local complaint handling stages for the organisation complained about, which would include any second tier complaint handler where relevant.
Step 3: Actions and decisions made at Investigation stage (Detailed Investigation)
Power | Who |
8 See section 2 and Annex A of the Service Model main guidance for the categories of complaint that are ‘out of remit’.
Where there is an actual or perceived conflict of interest, all delegations herein are withdrawn in relation to that specific conflict, for the individual making the declaration. Where there is a declared conflict, any exercise of powers will be taken by another person in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation.