Investigation Manual
Part 15
15. Joint working with the Housing Ombudsman
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) and the Housing Ombudsman Service (HOS) are committed to working together where there is a strong overlap on housing issues.
The Localism Act 2011 allows for consultation and collaborative working between LGSCO and HOS. This provides the power for both organisations to share information to establish what issues have been the subject of a previous complaint, what issues are new, which body has jurisdiction and whether it is possible to conduct a joint investigation.
For further information, please see the Memorandum of Understanding and Joint Working Operating procedure with the Housing Ombudsman.
15.1. Consent
For a complaint to be investigated jointly the complainant’s consent is required. See separate guidance and the consent form on ECHO
15.2. Cases passed through from Intake
Where Intake has identified that a complaint maybe suitable for joint working, or joint working is requested by a complainant, they should add a note on the case record (ECHO N&A document) and explain to the complainant that matters will be considered once the case is with our Assessment team.
15.3 Cases passed through from Assessment
Where Assessment has identified that a complaint to us requires investigation, and the case meets our LGSCO/HOS joint working criteria, they should refer matters on for the attention of the Housing Forum’s Lead Assistant Ombudsman to consider further. The Lead AO will then liaise with the Housing Ombudsman. Service.
If it is decided the case is suitable for joint working, the complaint will be allocated to a specialist joint working Investigator with particular experience in this area. The Lead AO will oversee the joint working allocation process and status of cases at regular liaison meetings with the HOS.
15.4. Cases in Investigation but where a joint element is later identified
In some cases it may emerge that the actions of a social housing landlord have some relevance to our own investigation. Where it seems that a complaint about the landlord could be or has been made, it may be sufficient to advise the complainant about the Housing Ombudsman service. Where we know a complaint has already been made to the Housing Ombudsman, we should find out what stage the complaint has reached.
If it seems clear that there is a joint element which could be investigated and the case meets our LGSCO/HOS joint working criteria the case should be drawn to the Lead AO’s attention. They will liaise as necessary with the Housing Ombudsman. If it is decided the case is for joint working, the Lead AO decided wheter it should be reallocated to a joint working investigator or remain with the original Investigator.
15.5. Cases that are referred to LGSCO from the Housing Ombudsman
All referrals from the Housing Ombudsman will go to the lead AO. The joint working process may require some practice to be different to our standard approach. . For example, the Lead AO may use discretion to allocate a joint case out of turn. The Lead AO, in consultation with the HOS, will decide whether the case meets the criteria for LGSCO/HOS joint working. If so, the case will be referred to Assessment for more detailed consideration in line with 15.3. If not, but there are parts suitable for LGSCO to consider, the Lead AO will refer the case to Intake for them to contact the complainant and provide advice and assistance to manage the complaint through our process in the usual way.