Investigation Manual
Part 12
12. Reasonable adjustments
12. Reasonable adjustments
In some cases which are passed to Investigation, Intake or Assessment will already have spoken to, or otherwise had contact with, the complainant. Any reasonable adjustments should already have been identified and entered on ECHO. This information will appear in red on the header of the case summary screen.
However, cases may also pass to Investigation where tehre has been no contact of note.
To ensure we fulfil our legal duties under the Equality Act 2010:
- At allocation, Investigators must take note of any reasonable adjustments which have been identified at the Intake or Assessment stage.
- An initial phone call (see Contact and the Management of Expectations) should include a check of and for reasonable adjustments.
- We should confirm in writing any agreed reasonable adjustments with the complainant and explain our reasons if we decide not to agree a reasonable adjustment request.
- The possible need for reasonable adjustments may become apparent, or may change, during an investigation. Investigators must keep complainants’ needs under review.
- Investigators are expected to make any reasonable adjustments when communicating with the complainant.
Any reasonable adjustments required must be applied throughout the life of the complaint, unless a positive decision is taken that the adjustment is no longer necessary. The Investigator must take advice from their Assistant Ombudsman before any such decision. Any reasonable adjustment must also be applied consistently. A requirement for large print, for example, would apply not only to our letters but to any accompanying documentation.