Ombudsman publishes latest Corporate Strategy
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has announced its vision for the next three years in its Corporate Strategy.
Available to download from the website, the Strategy sets out the Ombudsman’s priorities for action between now and 2021.
It details the work the Ombudsman will be doing over the next three years to become an ‘exemplary Ombudsman service’, working on the already strong foundations laid in the preceding years.
Michael King, Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, said:
“Over the next three years we are committed to creating even greater openness about the way we work, the processes we follow, the decisions we take, and the recommendations we make.
“We have a clear set of goals that will shape the content of our business that will continue to develop LGSCO as an excellent, 21st Century ombudsman scheme; and which will cement our position as a key pillar of administrative justice in England.”
One of the main areas the Ombudsman will be focusing on is openness and transparency, and over the next three years the service will be sharing even more information about the way it works, the processes followed, the decisions taken, and the recommendations made.
By sharing more information, the Ombudsman hopes to support greater public and democratic scrutiny of services, shifting the focus from complaint volumes to the value it can add for the wider public, through recommendations for wider service improvements and learning from investigations.
Article date: 18 April 2018