Recruitment policy
1. Policy statement
1.1. We recognise the value of recruiting a diverse, multi-cultural workforce and are committed to meeting our social and legal obligations to maintain and encourage diversity through our recruitment practice.
1.2. Our recruitment policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure that our recruitment and selection processes are operated fairly and equitably and do not discriminate unlawfully against any candidates on the grounds of age, disability, sex, gender assignment, pregnancy, maternity, race (which includes colour, nationality and ethnic or national origin), sexual orientation, religion or belief, or because someone is married or in a civil partnership; nor on the grounds of their membership or non membership of a trade union.
1.3. We require all colleagues involved in recruitment to adhere to our policy on equality and diversity and our Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may result in this being treated as a disciplinary matter.
1.4. We will ensure that vacancies are advertised to the widest possible pool of potential candidates and seek to encourage applications from groups who may be under-represented. We will consider ‘positive action’ where appropriate.
1.5. Recruitment decisions will take account of the results of all testing, presentations and interviews and appointment decisions will be made on merit.
1.6. As part of our commitment to developing our own colleagues, we will consider internal recruitment, secondments and acting up arrangements where appropriate.
1.7. We also offer a range of flexible working opportunities such as job sharing, part time working, agile working and home based working.
1.8. If a contractor is used to provide all or part of the recruitment process, we will verify that the agency has an appropriate policy on equality and diversity and will agree with the agency how the personal data handled by the contractor will be used and disclosed.
1.9. Coaching, training and/or advice on the recruitment and selection process including equality and diversity issues will be provided to all colleagues involved in the recruitment process.
2. The recruitment process
2.1. Each recruitment exercise is owned and led by the recruiting manager. Where an existing position becomes vacant, the recruiting manager and HR should first review whether the post is still required and whether there needs to be some revision to the role and responsibilities. When creating a new post, approval must first be obtained from the Executive Team. If there is a need to recruit, the person specification and job description should be reviewed or produced as appropriate.
2.2. All new posts should be evaluated prior to recruitment using our job evaluation scheme. Existing posts should be re-evaluated if there are significant changes in the job.
2.3. Secondments and acting up opportunities will be advertised internally and should be for a specific period and purpose.
2.4. Recruitment information relating to the appointment will be retained on file for 6 months from date of appointment and will then be destroyed.
2.5. If the successful candidate fails to take up the offer of employment or the post becomes available within 6 months of the original appointment, the organisation may approach the next most suitable candidate with an offer of employment.
3. Advertising
3.1. We are committed to ensuring that advertisements are placed so that they reach a diverse range of potential candidates.
3.2. The most appropriate means of advertising for the position will be identified e.g. national/local press, specialist press, job centres, recruitment agencies, internet, specialist websites, publications or agencies. If a particular group is under-represented we may, under ‘positive action’, seek to encourage applications by advertising in a publication targeted towards that group.
3.3. Campaigns may be run to recruit to a pool of staff for some posts where this provides the most cost effective solution.
4. Interview panel
4.1. Panels will be formed by two or more people, least one of whom should be a direct employee of LGSCO. Where possible the panel should be diverse in relation to race, ethnicity, age, sexuality and disability.
4.2. All non-HR panel members must be at the same or a higher grade than the post being recruited to.
4.3. All members of the panel should contribute to shortlisting and selection.
5. Shortlisting
5.1. Applicants should be short listed against the criteria as set in the job description and person specification. Tests may be used as part of the short listing process.
6. Interviews and assessment centres
6.1. Candidates will be given reasonable notice for interviews and of any tests they will be expected to do. HR should ensure that reasonable adjustments are made where the candidate has a disability, for example provision of specialist equipment or allowing more time.
6.2. Questions should cover all areas relating to the requisite skills, knowledge or experience as well as any matters arising from the candidate’s application form. For the purpose of consistency and fairness, all candidates should be asked the same core questions.
6.3. Brief notes should be taken during the interview by each panel member. All notes should be returned with the application forms and test papers to HR for retention at the end of the recruitment process.
6.4. Where appropriate, Assessment Centres will be held to test a range of competencies relevant to the post. These may include verbal reasoning, report writing, IT, presentation, numeracy, analytical, management, technical or specialist skills. Any tests used within the recruitment process must be able to be validated, relevant to the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to carry out the job role and must not be discriminatory.
7. Selection
7.1. The panel score each candidate’s answers against the person specification and decide whether there is sufficient evidence to indicate to what extent they meet the skills, knowledge and experience required and how well their experience fits our needs.
7.2. Decisions to appoint will be by consensus based on scores across the interview process. Where none of the candidates is considered suitable, the post may be re-advertised.
7.3. All candidates can request feedback about their performance at interview and any testing.
8. Equality and diversity monitoring
8.1. Applicants are asked to complete an equality and diversity monitoring form as part of the recruitment process. This information is not seen by panel members. The information is stored securely within Human Resources.
9. External appointment vetting
9.1. Contact will be made with the selected candidate to make a conditional offer of employment subject to completion of the following satisfactory checks:
- Proof of identity and right to work in the UK
- Reference checks for the whole of the previous three years of employment
- Proof of qualifications, if relevant to the role
9.2. In the event of references or any check not appearing to be satisfactory, the matter must be referred to the HR Business Partner before any conditional offer may be withdrawn.
9.3. If information given during the application process is found to be untrue, the offer of employment will be withdrawn.
10. Health checks
10.1. Successful applicants may be asked to complete a health questionnaire. Such questionnaires are optional and appointments are not subject to their completion. Instead we will use any information received to identify any adjustments which would help the successful applicant in their working environment.
11. Complaints
If you are dissatisfied with any part of our recruitment process, you can raise a complaint on our website Complaints about our service.