Guide for complaint handlers: A proportionate approach to considering complaints
Part 1
This guide is aimed at any person responding to complaints for organisations under the remit of the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. This includes local authorities, private care providers, combined authorities and fire and rescue authorities.
The guide sets out good practice for people receiving, investigating, and responding to complaints under the Complaint Handling Code as well as statutory complaints processes in adult social care, children’s services, and public health.
This guide sets out good practice in relation to handling individual complaints. We have produced a separate guide on developing and delivering effective complaints systems.
This guide sets out good practice in relation to handling individual complaints. We have also produced the following separate guides:
- Guide for complaint managers: Designing and delivering effective complaint systems
- Managing complaints in contracted and commissioned services: a good practice guide
- Guide for statutory officers and senior leaders: Effective oversight of complaints systems
- Guide for members responsible for complaints: Effective scrutiny of complaint systems