Remuneration and Appointments Committee
Advises the Commission on senior staff pay, reward schemes for staff and human resources strategy
The Remuneration and Appointments Committee is responsible for advising and making recommendations to the Commission, its Chair and the Accounting Officer, on the appointment, performance management, remuneration and succession planning of senior staff, and reward schemes for other staff.
- Neil Calvert (Chair)
- Amerdeep Somal (Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman & Chair of the Commission)
- Frances Harrison (Independent Advisory Member)
- Andrea Keenoy (Independent Advisory Member)
See Commissioner and senior staff profiles for more information
Terms of reference:
Remuneration and Appointments Committee terms of reference
The group meets three times a year. Minutes are confidential.
The LGSCO classifies its meeting papers according to content: ‘Confidential’ and ‘restricted’ papers are not published because they contain sensitive information such as information about financial or personnel matters and/or draft policies.
Open papers are published on the website.