Audit and Risk Assurance Committee
Advises the Commission on integrity, effectiveness and risk management
The Audit and Risk Assurance Committee has responsibility to advise the Commission, its Accounting Officer and the other members of senior management on matters of probity, regularity and prudent and economical administration, efficiency and effectiveness as identified by internal and external audit and through the Commission's system of internal control. It also has responsibilities for monitoring and reporting to the Commission on the operation of its Risk Management Strategy.
- Andrea Keenoy (Chair)
- Frances Harrison (Advisory Member)
- Neil Calvert (Advisory Member)
See Commissioner and senior staff profiles for more information
Terms of reference:
Audit and Risk Assurance Committee Terms Of Reference (PDF)
The Committee meets four times a year. Meeting papers are available below.
The LGSCO classifies its meeting papers according to content: ‘Confidential’ and ‘restricted’ papers are not published because they contain sensitive information such as information about financial or personnel matters and/or draft policies.
Open papers are published on the website.