Our ambitions and how we achieve them
We are proud to be an ambitious and high-achieving organisation with a distinct and successful way of working, motivated by shared values of justice and fairness, and committed to providing the best possible service we can for the people we serve.
As a high-achieving organisation, we
- remedy injustice for individuals
- improve public services by focussing our limited resources where we have more impact for more people
- take collective responsibility for achieving our organisation’s goals
- approach our work with commitment, integrity, and professionalism
- are accessible, efficient, and impartial
- are innovative, evolving our services to meet new challenges and opportunities
- support and listen to each other
By consistently displaying the behaviours set out below we will inspire trust and confidence in our working relationships which will help us continue to be a high-achieving organisation.
- Act impartially, without bias or prejudice
- Open to challenge, new ideas and different points of view
- Honest and transparent
- Treat everyone with respect and dignity, taking account of individual needs
- Communicate clearly, in plain English
- Empathetic
- Willing and able to work with others to achieve our goals
- Communicate and engage with others, contributing to our community at work
- Share knowledge and support colleagues
- Reflect on and learn from mistakes and feedback
- Look for opportunities to develop and strive to improve
- Willing and able to adapt to change
February 2023