Memorandum of Understanding with The Housing Ombudsman
Part 2
Roles of the Parties to this Memorandum
Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
The LGSCO investigates complaints from the public about injustice caused by maladministration or service failure by a local authority or other body within jurisdiction. The LGSCO is also the social care ombudsman for England. In this role, the LGSCO has jurisdiction to carry out independent investigations into complaints about any matters connected with the provision of adult social care. This is a seamless service covering all types of adult care in the public, private and third sectors irrespective of who funds or arranges that care. The LGSCO can recommend a suitable remedy (which can include financial redress) for any injustice found.
The Housing Ombudsman
The Housing Ombudsman makes the final decision on disputes between residents and member landlords. It also set the standards in complaints handling through its Statutory Complaint Handling Code and supports effective landlord-tenant dispute resolution by others, including landlords themselves, promoting positive change in the housing sector. The Ombudsman can also look beyond individual disputes into the wider and deeper issues responsible for generating complaints and seek to address those issues to improve residents’ lives and landlords’ services. Full conditions of membership, and the Ombudsman’s powers, are set out in the Scheme.
When investigating complaints, the Housing Ombudsman will have due regard to the law, relevant codes of practice (which includes the regulator’s standards and statutory guidance), policies and procedures.