Memorandum of Understanding between the LGSCO and EHRC

Part 3

Principles of Co-operation


  1. Will respect each other's independent status and ability and duty to make their own independent decisions.  
  2. Will discuss matters of mutual interests and concerns, subject to any legal restrictions. 
  3. Will ensure effective use of public resources by directing complainants to the other organisation where the other organisation’s processes represent a more appropriate forum and therefore a more efficient use of public resources.  


The parties acknowledge that both EHRC and LGSCO are subject to specific statutory restrictions on the disclosure of certain information, and close attention will be paid to these restrictions.

The Parties will be open and transparent about their co-operation, and in their external communications.

Where appropriate, LGSCO will signpost complainants.

Liaison meetings 

Representatives of LGSCO and EHRC will meet as appropriate to discuss high-level, anonymised trends arising from their work, as well as published data and material, to identify and discuss mutual areas of interest and concern, subject to any legal restrictions.

As a minimum standard, meetings will take place quarterly.

Each party will ensure the other has been provided with an appropriate named contact or named role to liaise. This Memorandum does not create a basis to share personal data. Any sharing of personal data by either party to the other must be carried out strictly in accordance with data protection legislation. Where either party receives a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act or the UK General Data Protection Regulation, they will endeavour to consult with the other party before disclosing information that would affect the other party's functions, but the final decision will be made by the party in receipt of the request.

Monitoring and reviewing this memorandum

Either party may suggest amendments to this Memorandum but the written approval of both will be required to make a change.  

This Memorandum commences on the date of the signatures at the final page. The Memorandum will be reviewed initially after 12 months and thereafter every two years or when changes to either party's legislation or directions are made. It will also be reviewed if the principles described above need to be altered and/or cease to be relevant for any other reason.  

A copy of this Memorandum will be placed on the LGSCO and EHRC websites.

Key contacts and dispute resolution

Details of key contacts will be maintained by LGSCO and EHRC.  

Where either party identifies problems or disputes in operating this Memorandum, it will seek to resolve them quickly and informally. The parties' representatives will discuss how best to resolve the issues at an appropriate level but if this is not possible then the Chief Executive of LGSCO and an Executive Director at the EHRC will take responsibility for achieving a mutually acceptable resolution. Their decision will be final. 

  • Signed on behalf of LGSCO: 
    Nigel Ellis, Chief Executive, Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
  • Signed on behalf of EHRC
    Marcial Boo, Chief Executive, the Equality and Human Rights Commission
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