External consultations and inquiries
July - LGSCO response to DfE consultation on new national standards and a quality assurance framework for unregistered alternative provision March - LGSCO response to DLUHC consultation on reforms to social housing allocations
March - Response to Enforcement Conduct Board consultation
March - LGSCO response to DLUHC consultation on addressing the local audit backlog in England
August - DHSC: Visiting in care homes, hospitals and hospices
August - DfE: Working Together to safeguard children: changes to statutory guidance
August - DLUHC: Consultation on statutory guidance for local authorities on Best Value Duty
July - DfE Consultation on Improving support for Children Missing Education
May - Children’s Social Care National Framework and Dashboard (PDF)
January - Introducing new rules for supported accommodation providers (PDF)
July - Department for Education consultation on the SEND review (PDF) May - Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities consultation on Local connection requirements for social housing for victims of domestic abuse (PDF)
April - Cabinet Office consultation on the Terms of Reference for the Covid-19 inquiry (PDF)
March - Department for Education consultation on Changes to the school admission appeals code (PDF)
December - Civil Justice Council consultation on Pre Action Protocols (PDF)
July - DfE: Introducing national standards for unregulated provision
June - NICE: Looked after children and young people
March - MHCLG consultation on the National Planning Policy Framework and National Model Design Code March - Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government consultation on the Right to Contest
October - Department for Education consultation on changes to the school admissions code (PDF) September - Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government consultation on changes to the current planning system (PDF) July - Human Rights (Joint Committee) inquiry: The Government’s response to COVID-19: human rights implications (PDF)
December - Chartered Trading Standards Institute consultation on Care Home Complaints draft guidance
October - The Government of Jersey Consultation on new Public Services Ombudsman for Jersey
October - Consultation on home to school travel and transport: statutory guidance
October - Education Select Committee Inquiry into Special Educational Needs and disabilities
March - LGSCO response to Justice Select Committee Inquiry into Bailiffs: Enforcement of Debt
December - LGSCO submission to HCLG select committee inquiry into children's services
November - LGSCO response to social housing green paper
June - Education Select Committee - SEN inquiry
May - Schools exclusions review call for evidence
March - Department for Transport – Consultation on Blue Badge scheme eligibility