
Recent statements in this category are shown below:

  • London Borough of Hillingdon (24 006 948)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 06-Aug-2024

    Summary: We cannot investigate this complaint about the Council’s handling of maintenance works to one of its properties. This is because we cannot investigate complaints about the management of social housing by a council acting as a social landlord.

  • Nottingham City Council (23 013 929)

    Statement Upheld Other 29-Jul-2024

    Summary: Miss Y complained about the way the Council dealt with the information she provided about risk areas for her homelessness application. We have found fault by the Council, causing injustice, in failing to: update the information Miss Y provided about her risk areas, record this in one place and properly check its case notes; properly handle its contact with her about a potential accommodation offer; and its poor complaint handling. To remedy this injustice the Council has agreed to: apologise; make a payment to reflect the distress caused; and service improvements.

  • London Borough of Newham (23 013 263)

    Statement Upheld Other 28-Jul-2024

    Summary: Miss X complains about how the Council dealt with her and her partner’s homelessness application and about the Council placing them in unsuitable interim and temporary accommodation. The Council is at fault as it placed Miss X and Miss Y in unsuitable interim and temporary accommodation. The Council has agreed to remedy the injustice to Miss X and Miss Y by apologising and making symbolic payments to them.

  • London Borough of Southwark (23 012 647)

    Statement Upheld Other 24-Jul-2024

    Summary: Miss X complains that the Council delayed in lifting the suspension on her housing register application. The Council is at fault as it delayed in lifting the suspension on her housing register application and its requests for documentation lacked clarity. The delay caused distress to Miss X which the Council has agreed to remedy by apologising and making a symbolic payment to her.

  • Coventry City Council (23 004 941)

    Statement Upheld Other 22-Jul-2024

    Summary: Mr X complains that the Council did not include his child as part of his homelessness application so did not provide suitable interim and temporary accommodation. Mr X also complains that the accommodation offered to end the main housing duty was unsuitable. There is no evidence of fault by the Council in how it made its decision that Mr X’s child was not ordinarily resident with him. The Council is at fault as it suggested contacting Mr X’s former partner who allegedly perpetrated domestic abuse against Mr X. But this fault did not cause significant injustice to Mr X.

  • Birmingham City Council (23 011 756)

    Statement Upheld Other 22-Jul-2024

    Summary: Mr X complains that the Council wrongly disqualified him from the housing register and failed to provide accommodation for him despite being homeless. The Council is at fault as it delayed in dealing with its review of the decision to disqualify Mr X from the housing register and did not fully explain its review decision. The Council is also at fault as it did not offer suitable temporary accommodation to Mr X when it accepted the main housing duty. The Council has agreed to remedy the injustice to Mr X by apologising to him and making symbolic payments to him to acknowledge the distress caused.

  • Birmingham City Council (24 005 939)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 18-Jul-2024

    Summary: We cannot investigate the Council’s handling of Mr X’s concerns about a Council tenant removing a door bolt to a shared alleyway. This is because the complaint does not meet the tests in our Assessment Code on how we decide which complaints to investigate We have no remit to investigate complaints about the management of social housing by councils.

  • London Borough of Islington (23 018 981)

    Statement Upheld Other 17-Jul-2024

    Summary: The Council failed to provide her with suitable interim accommodation when she needed to flee domestic abuse and gave her incorrect advice about her housing options. It also significantly delayed responding to her complaints. In recognition of the distress and uncertainty caused, the Council has agreed to apologise, pay Ms X £700 and make a service improvement.

  • Birmingham City Council (23 015 667)

    Statement Upheld Other 15-Jul-2024

    Summary: Ms X complains that when she needed to flee domestic abuse, the Council failed to award her the correct priority band on its housing register. The Council should have awarded Ms X a higher priority band and did not, for a period of approximately one month. This fault has caused Ms X frustration and uncertainty about whether she could have been rehoused sooner. The Council has agreed to apologise and pay Ms X £150 to recognise the injustice caused. Ms X also complained the Council should have awarded her a higher priority banding than Band A. The Council was not at fault for this, as it does not offer a higher award than Band A.

  • London Borough of Wandsworth (23 010 182)

    Statement Upheld Other 15-Jul-2024

    Summary: The Ombudsmen find fault with the Council’s handling of Ms X’s management transfer applications and homeless application after she experienced domestic abuse. The Council has agreed to apologise, award Ms X Band A priority, make payments to remedy injustice, and act to improve its services.

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