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  • Priory Mews Healthcare Ltd (23 000 998)

    Report Upheld Charging 11-Jul-2024

    Summary: We investigated a complaint about the residential services provided to the complainant. We found Priory Mews Healthcare Limited did not notify Mr X promptly of the fees payable for his mother’s care once she became self-funding. These faults meant Mr X received a large and unexpected invoice from the care provider. As a result he moved his mother from this home to a less expensive home, as he would have done sooner had he known of the actual fees. As a result, Mr X suffered injustice and his mother suffered the distress of moving to another home.

  • West Sussex County Council (23 009 356)

    Statement Not upheld Assessment and care plan 28-May-2024

    Summary: Mrs X complained that health and social care professionals would not allow her to take her husband home from hospital. We did not find fault in the organisations’ actions. There is evidence to suggest professionals followed legislation and guidance in exploring concerns they had about the safety of the plan.

  • Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (23 009 356a)

    Statement Not upheld Hospital acute services 28-May-2024

    Summary: Mrs X complained that health and social care professionals would not allow her to take her husband home from hospital. We did not find fault in the organisations’ actions. There is evidence to suggest professionals followed legislation and guidance in exploring concerns they had about the safety of the plan.

  • Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (23 009 356b)

    Statement Not upheld Hospital acute services 28-May-2024

    Summary: Mrs X complained that health and social care professionals would not allow her to take her husband home from hospital. We did not find fault in the organisations’ actions. There is evidence to suggest professionals followed legislation and guidance in exploring concerns they had about the safety of the plan.

  • London Borough of Lewisham (23 009 538)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 28-May-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint that the Council has not paid rent and incentive payments for three properties the complainant leased to the Council. This is because it is a late complaint.

  • Lancashire County Council (23 011 148)

    Statement Upheld Special educational needs 28-May-2024

    Summary: There was fault the Council delayed issuing an Education, Health, and Care plan for Mrs X’s son. Those delays caused an injustice to Mrs X because she now has uncertainty about the possibility of her son having missed out on the school experience and education they might have had, if but for delays. The Council have already apologised and during our enquiries, it made a suitable offer of a symbolic payment that will remedy Mrs X’s injustice.

  • Worthing Borough Council (23 004 621)

    Statement Upheld Other 28-May-2024

    Summary: Mr and Mrs X complained about the Councils handling of their anti-social behaviour reports, and failure to enforce a community protection notice (CPN) and delay in providing a case outcome. We find the Council properly investigated their reports but there was fault in the Council’s approach to communication and support which caused Mr and Mrs X avoidable uncertainty, distress and frustration. The Council should apologise to Mr and Mrs X and make a payment to address the injustice caused.

  • London Borough of Ealing (23 012 337)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Homelessness 28-May-2024

    Summary: We will not exercise discretion to investigate this complaint about the suitability of Council’s offer of interim and temporary accommodation to Mr X in 2020. This complaint was received outside the normal 12-month period for investigating complaints. There is no evidence to suggest that Mr X could not have complained to us sooner.

  • Essex County Council (23 012 908)

    Statement Upheld Highway repair and maintenance 28-May-2024

    Summary: Mr D complained about the way the Council handled his complaints about flooding at his property since early 2022. Investigations took place from November 2023, and it became evident the Council is not responsible for the issue. We found fault in the time taken for the Council to confirm this and recommended a financial remedy.

  • Shropshire Council (23 013 240)

    Statement Not upheld Planning applications 28-May-2024

    Summary: X complained the Council failed to be transparent when granting permission to a neighbouring development and failed to notify them about the proposal. They said the Council failed to consider the impact on wildlife and did not investigate alleged breaches of planning permissions. X also said the Council did not have regard for local and national planning policies when making its decision. We have not found the Council acted with fault.

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