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  • London Borough of Ealing (23 014 586)

    Report Upheld Homelessness 21-Aug-2024

    Summary: Miss X complained about how the Council dealt with her housing application when she was pregnant and homeless having fled domestic abuse.

  • Coulson & Collins Care Home Ltd (22 011 518)

    Report Upheld Charging 15-Aug-2024

    Summary: The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman investigated a complaint about Coulson & Collins Care Home Ltd. We found the care provider did not correctly record and refund an overpayment for the complainant’s late father’s care, incorrectly charged an administration fee, and delayed responding to her. It means her father’s estate is at a financial loss and she has been caused uncertainty and distress, as well as the frustration of having to complain to us.

  • Birmingham City Council (23 012 862)

    Statement Upheld Homelessness 13-Aug-2024

    Summary: The Council failed to provide suitable accommodation when Mr B and his family were homeless. It placed the family in bed and breakfast accommodation for 58 weeks, one year more than the maximum time such accommodation can be used for homeless applicants with family commitments. The Council has agreed to make a payment to Mr B to remedy his family’s injustice. It has also agreed to make service improvements.

  • Halton Borough Council (23 013 297)

    Statement Upheld Special educational needs 13-Aug-2024

    Summary: Miss X complained the Council failed to ensure her child, Y, received provision in line with her Education, Health and Care Plan. The Council acknowledges it failed to ensure the school was delivering the provision to Y. We found fault on the Council’s part. The Council has agreed to our recommendations to remedy the injustice caused by the faults to Y and Miss X.

  • Central Bedfordshire Council (23 015 514)

    Statement Upheld Special educational needs 13-Aug-2024

    Summary: The complainant (Mrs X) said the Council failed within its duties to her son (Y) for whom it maintains Education Health and Care Plan. We found fault in the Council’s delays to issue Y’s amended Education Health and Care Plan following its Annual Review in June 2022 and in its inadequate communication with Mrs X. We also found fault with the Council’s failure to arrange respite services for Y from June 2023. These faults caused uncertainty and distress. We do not propose to find fault in the way the Council handled alternative provision for Y. Some of the issues Mrs X complained about were or could have been appealed to the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Tribunal or were linked to her appeal. The Council agreed to apologise, make a symbolic payment for Mrs X’s distress and to carry out some service improvements.

  • Lancashire County Council (23 016 607)

    Statement Upheld Special educational needs 13-Aug-2024

    Summary: Mr X complained the Council delayed completing the annual review of his son, Mr G’s Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan and did not complete the review in time for Mr G’s transition to post 19 education. He said the Council delayed agreeing to an alternative use for direct payments and failed to properly respond to his complaints about the matters. The Council delayed in completing the annual review and there were faults in its complaint handling. The Council will apologise to Mr G and Mr X and make a symbolic payment to remedy the injustice they experienced.

  • West Northamptonshire Council (23 016 921)

    Statement Upheld Special educational needs 13-Aug-2024

    Summary: Miss B complained that the Council delayed in issuing an amended Education, Health and Care Plan following an emergency review in November 2022, communicated poorly with Miss B and failed to provide C with any alternative education when he stopped attending school at the end of April 2023. We found fault with the Council. It has agreed to apologise to Miss B, pay her £3,300 and improve its procedures for the future.

  • Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea (23 017 008)

    Statement Upheld Antisocial behaviour 13-Aug-2024

    Summary: Mr X complains the Council did not take adequate action against his neighbour’s antisocial behaviour. We have found fault with the Council for delays during the antisocial behaviour case review process which caused Mr X avoidable distress.

  • Bury Metropolitan Borough Council (23 017 296)

    Statement Upheld Antisocial behaviour 13-Aug-2024

    Summary: Mrs X complained the Council did not properly consider her concerns about a build-up of waste outside her neighbour’s property. She says this has caused avoidable stress and anxiety to the family and means she cannot use parts of her house or garden. We found fault by the Council. The Council has agreed to provide Mrs X with an apology and financial remedy, and to review the case to identify what further action may be taken.

  • Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (23 017 703)

    Statement Not upheld Alternative provision 13-Aug-2024

    Summary: We found no fault on Mrs B’s complaint about the Council failing to provide her daughter with suitable alternative education provision. It had no reason to consider it as she had a part time school timetable, received support, and was assessed by an educational psychologist as part of her Education Heath and Care assessment. The draft Education Health and Care Plan made no provision for her to receive alternative provision.

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